The OMR Podcast International – Go inside the minds of the biggest names in digital and tech

The OMR Podcast International – Go inside the minds of the biggest names in digital and tech

with FiveThirtyEight Founder and number cruncher Nate Silver

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In this episode of the OMR Podcast International Edition, professional numbers guru Nate Silver, founder and Editor-in-Chief, talks data and numbers with guest host and Hamburg, Germany-based entrepreneur Erik Siekmann. The pair talked about misconceptions between predictions and forecasts, the similarities and differences between sports and politics, and why Silver’s “greatest failure” was no failure at all.


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About this podcast

From our HQ in Hamburg, Germany, we’re keeping tabs on everything and anything, and anyone who’s anyone in the European digital, marketing and tech space. OMR CEO Philipp Westermeyer and international digital marketing editor Scott Peterson, are talking shop with the biggest players and companies disrupting the European tech scene and beyond. We’ll be coming straight to your inbox every couple of weeks to keep you up-to-date on what’s up this side of the pond.

A Podstars by OMR production.

by Philipp Westermeyer, founder and CEO of OMR / Scott Peterson, digital marketing editor, OMR


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