The OMR Podcast International – Go inside the minds of the biggest names in digital and tech

The OMR Podcast International – Go inside the minds of the biggest names in digital and tech

with Activant Capital CEO & Founder Steve Sarracino

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Founded in 2015, Activant Capital was a relatively unknown VC fund until recently. A string of higher publicity investments saw Activant and its CEO & founder thrust into the proverbial limelight, but truth be told its bonafides were legit long before it started to make a name for itself: 4 funds since founding, assets totalling over USD 1.5B under management and 35 companies in the portfolio and several successful exits. Plus, last month it joined other US companies in establishing a presence in Europe. Then came the hefty investment in delivery and retail startup Jokr. Reason enough to sit down with Steve and talk shop about the VC scenes in the states and in Europe, why Jokr when competition seems fierce and some straight talk about what it means to be in the VC trade.


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About this podcast

From our HQ in Hamburg, Germany, we’re keeping tabs on everything and anything, and anyone who’s anyone in the European digital, marketing and tech space. OMR CEO Philipp Westermeyer and international digital marketing editor Scott Peterson, are talking shop with the biggest players and companies disrupting the European tech scene and beyond. We’ll be coming straight to your inbox every couple of weeks to keep you up-to-date on what’s up this side of the pond.

A Podstars by OMR production.

by Philipp Westermeyer, founder and CEO of OMR / Scott Peterson, digital marketing editor, OMR


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