The OMR Podcast International – Go inside the minds of the biggest names in digital and tech

The OMR Podcast International – Go inside the minds of the biggest names in digital and tech

with Yuhki Yamashita, CPO at Figma

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Last year, Figma was headline news around the globe. Adobe announced it had reached a deal to acquire Figma for over USD 20 billion—which would make it one of the largest startup exits ever. While that deal is being held up in regulatory limbo, it is nevertheless an impressive feat for a company that only launched seven years ago. Figma is a collaborative design platform that is used by millions around the world. Yuhki Yamashita is Chief Product Officer at Figma, a position he's had since June of 2022. Yuhki joined me for a chat ahead of Figma's annual CONFIG conference to talk about design, the creative process and, of course, what the future for Figma in the Adobe ecosystem figures to be.


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About this podcast

From our HQ in Hamburg, Germany, we’re keeping tabs on everything and anything, and anyone who’s anyone in the European digital, marketing and tech space. OMR CEO Philipp Westermeyer and international digital marketing editor Scott Peterson, are talking shop with the biggest players and companies disrupting the European tech scene and beyond. We’ll be coming straight to your inbox every couple of weeks to keep you up-to-date on what’s up this side of the pond.

A Podstars by OMR production.

by Philipp Westermeyer, founder and CEO of OMR / Scott Peterson, digital marketing editor, OMR


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